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Membership in the Winchester Chapter, NRHS is open to anyone with an interest in railroads and railroad history.  By joining, members are welcomed into a strong local community of Railfans who are not only active in the hobby but support local and national railroad preservation projects.  


Membership Levels                                                  Annual Dues


Regular Membership (Ages 18 & over)                                             $15.00

Additional Family Membership                                                         $  1.00

Jr. Railroaders (Ages 8 - 15)                                                                FREE!


Three Ways to Join:


 1.  Download the membership application and mail it, with a check to:

                        Winchester Chapter, NRHS

                         PO BOX 364,
                         BLUEMONT, VA, 20135 - 0000


   2. Download the membership application and bring it with a check or cash
       to a Chapter meeting or event, to apply with the Membership Agent.


  3.  Complete the online application and submit it along with your online
       payment.  If paying online, you are encouraged to include the $1.00
       processing fee. 


Click Here for Application

Join Chapter

Thanks for Your Payment

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